Twenty 20 Youth Club


20/20 Youth Fellowship, our vision for this work with young people is based on Jeremiah 29.11?'For I know the plan I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future?'. We share God and fellowship with the young adults through games, worship and listening to God’s word.

We want to reach out to young people in our community, provide them with safe space, positive relationships, and fun, and friendship, lots of activities, experience and opportunities to learn more about God.

Fridays 7pm at Hebron Church

20/20 Youth Friday night
Friday nights are front lead meeting, we have games, quizzes, icebreakers, worship and word, we also feed the young people every week, it’s something that we started when we did the Alpha course and it has continued to be beneficial to the young people The young people (and leaders) have so much fun, they are all such wonder-ful young people with massive potential in God. God is working each week in their lives. We have seen a mas-sive improvement in the unchurched young people’s behaviour. Although Friday nights can still be challenging, we have young people that have tags, are on ASBO’s, have bail conditions and lots of other issues, which can be difficult, but we are faithfully continuing to build relationships.

Junior Membership
We think it’s important that the young people in our church feel valued, and part of the body before they reach the age of 18. We have designed a junior membership pack, which goes hand in hand with the discipleship group where we are encouraging our young people to be committed, active serving members of the church. This will involve the young people signing up and being welcomed as Junior members by the elders.

If you are new to the church and wish to find out more about the youth activities we run for your child or children then please visit our Contact Us page.